Vedi anche:
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Il Papa: "La vita umana è bella e va vissuta in pienezza anche quando è debole ed avvolta dal mistero della sofferenza" (Messaggio per la Giornata del malato)
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Lefebvriani/ Consiglio ebrei tedeschi si schiera con Merkel
"Insopportabili" i tentativi di diffamarla
Berlino, 7 feb. (Apcom) - Il Consiglio centrale degli ebrei tedeschi si è schierato a sostegno del cancelliere Angela Merkel, attaccata nei giorni scorsi da alcuni vescovi e membri del suo stesso partito, dopo il suo invito al Papa a fare chiarezza sulla vicenda dei vescovi lefebvriani riabilitati. Il tentativo di diffamare pubblicamente la cancelliera è "insopportabile", ha detto alla "Rheinpfalz am Sonntag" il segretario generale del Consiglio, Stephan Kramer. Se, come accaduto, alcuni esponenti del mondo cattolico invitano a non votare Merkel, allora si è di fronte a una "campagna persecutoria", ha aggiunto Kramer.
Il segretario generale del Consiglio centrale ha poi criticato il presidente del Bundestag (la camera bassa del parlamento tedesco), Norbert Lammert (cristiano-democratico della Cdu, il partito guidato da Merkel). "Molto di quello che viene ora attribuito al Papa è quasi maligno e per lo meno ingiusto", aveva detto Lammert, riferendosi anche alle parole della cancelliera.
Martedì Merkel aveva definito "insufficienti" le spiegazioni di Papa Benedetto XVI sulla revoca della scomunica ai quattro vescovi lefebvriani, tra cui il negazionista Richard Williamson.
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Ma allora non e' vero che la maggioranza dei Tedeschi e' contro il Papa. Ma qui scopriamo gli altarini...ma che bello :-))
Se, come accaduto, alcuni esponenti del mondo cattolico invitano a non votare Merkel, allora si è di fronte a una "campagna persecutoria", ha aggiunto Kramer.
Chi viene perseguitata? Chi? La Merkel? Ma mi si faccia il piacere...
E' chiaro che se fossi tedesca, nemmeno io voterei per la signora cancelliera dopo averla vista in azione.
Ultima nota di colore: rileggiamo il seguente articolo:
Polemiche in Germania: gli ebrei tedeschi disertano le cerimonie nella Giornata della Memoria (Caracciolo)
Abbiamo cambiato idea in fretta, vero?
Del resto ha ragione il saggio: il nemico del mio nemico e' mio amico :-)
1 commento:
di che stupirsi? basta andare sul sito del B'nai B'rith Europe e si capisce tutto della Merkel e delle regie che la muovono...
ecco tutto l'articolo, per chi è sempre scettico sui giochi di potere.
The glittering banqueting hall of the Marriott Hotel at the Potsdamer Platz in Berlin provided the splendid venue for a Gala Dinner on 11th March 2008 in the course of which Dr Angela Merkel Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany was the recipient of a Gold Medal for outstanding services, the B’nai B’rith Europe Award of Merit, being the highest accolade of BBEurope.
The Gala Dinner was attended by more than two hundred distinguished and high-ranking guests representing the world of politics, industry, commerce and culture, together with Members of BBE Executive, Presidents of Lodges, Sisters and Brothers from many countries of our fraternity.
Among the great and good we met Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Ehrenberg, the Israeli ambassador Yoram Ben-Zeev, entrepreneurs Mario and Ute Ohoven, Regine Sixt the founder of the international charity Children in Need, the film-actor Mario Adorf, Countess Elizabeth of Bavaria, Sir Peter James Torry the former British Ambassador - to name but a few.
President Reinold Simon in his poignant Welcome address recalled the understandable misgivings of many of the survivors of the Holocaust when in 2001 Berlin was selected as the venue where the first B’nai B’rith Europe Convention was to be held.
The audience was not only reminded of the longstanding ties between B’nai B’rith in Germany, where as far back as 1882 the first Lodge outside the USA was established, but we also learned that the twelve founders of our Order in 1843 in New York were Jewish immigrants from Germany.
In the year 1932 the German District counted no less than 13,000 members among more than a hundred lodges, only to be dissolved by the Nazis in 1937.
Yet, following the Second World War it was in Berlin that the Leo Baeck Lodge was re-established in friendship and warm reception among its citizens.
The reunification and the ensuing political changes have accelerated the substantial numerical increase of the Jewish Community in Germany.
“It is a different Germany, a country of democracy, and freedom, committed to human rights and a driving force of European integration, a real model, prudently led by the Chancellor, who is truly deserving to receive this highest honour bestowed upon her”—concluded President Simon.
Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, conveyed greetings of her organisation and emphasised the important humanitarian and charitable work carried out by B’nai B’rith lodges in Germany within the European context. She warmly congratulated the Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel for receiving this singular honour and expressed her desire to continue to foster the good relationship between B’nai B’rith and the Central Council.
Lord Weidenfeld the renowned publisher, politician and
philanthropist, in his outstanding laudatory speech, reminded the audience of the dissemination and defence of the four aims of the mission of B’nai B’rith with which Chancellor Merkel has fully identified herself—both in words and deeds. -- the security of Israel; the defence of Jewish communities in Europe against the new forms of anti-Semitism; the defence of human rights throughout the world; the determining role of upbringing being the precursor of tolerance.
The dedicated support of these aims “engraves you, Chancellor Merkel, in the heart of the Jewish people as one of our outstanding and reliable companions” - said the speaker.
Lord Weidenfeld stressed that “the Chancellor’s avowed friendship with Israel has at all times been the leitmotif of her political philosophy”.
Notable and concrete evidence of Israel’s priority in Germany’s foreign policy under the Chancellor’s term of office has been the systematic fostering and maintenance of close relationship with Israel and to elevate such bond to the same level as with the USA, France, Poland and Russia.
Being honoured with the Leo Baeck Prize and receiving the honorary doctorate from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are eloquent and moving testimonies of her commitment to the Jewish World and to Israel.
Lord Weidenfeld also reminded his audience that the positive aspects of Germany’s official relationship with the Jewish world should not lead us astray and underestimate beneath the official political representations throughout Europe the trends of the emerging anti-Semitism in the form of new cloaks and colours.
The various anti-Semitic manifestations in today’s Europe are closely associated with anti-Americanism, fuelled, controlled and financed by extreme Islamist sources.
The fight against such evils undermining democracy has from inception clearly defined Chancellor Merkels’s political carrier.
The speaker expressed his full confidence in the Chancellor’s affinity to the ideas of the mission of our Order wherefrom she would not waiver.
In conclusion of his Laudatio Lord Weidenfeld congratulated B’nai B’rith and Chancellor Merkel, the recipient of the honour, and said: ”We hope that for many years to come you will work for the ideals and ideas of B’nai B’rith—for peace, reconciliation and human rights”.
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